Saturday 23 August 2014

The other half

There are people whom you love,
and there are people who loves you.

There are people whom you hate,
and there are people who hates you.

There are people whom you care for,
and there are people who cares for you.

There are people whom you need,
and there are people who needs you.

Most of the time, our life gets over with the first half of people.
When you are able to find the second half of people and embrace them,

the life will get complete and meaningful. 

Thursday 21 August 2014

An unwritten love story

I saw him in my street, two weeks back,
Playing with an old torn foot ball.
A 2 year old handsome male,
Tall enough for his age.

It was love at first sight,
I fell for his dark eyes and four legged walk.
My friends gossiped that he's too naughty.
Well, when he's mine, I will cut his tail.

I was waiting for a chance to talk to him,
and it happened one day, in a quite unromantic way.
He poo-pooped in front of my home while playing.
And I shouted at him pretending to be angry,
"Hey you! Why are you behaving like a dog? Wait I will complain to your parents"
He looked into my eyes, and said "Call me Jeeno", and went away.
That was the last time I saw him,
But I heard stories about him, from my friends.

Finally I decided to meet him on his birthday to apologize,
the day I would never forget in my life.

I was walking into his street, with a gift,
and there was lot of commotion, people running here and there.
And finally when the dust cleared, I couldn't believe what I saw,
the 'leg piece bone' I brought for him, fell down from my mouth.

They took Jeeno ,
in a Municipality dog van.

மனிதர்உணர்ந்து கொள்ள இது மனித காதல் அல்ல”
(This is not a human love, for humans to understand)

Tuesday 19 August 2014

The one without title

You can't stop blushing, when you hear it's name,
Everything else moves down to second priority when it comes to it,
Your intelligence, ego and pride crumbles, when it's with  you,
You can't stop thinking about it, every time you listen a song,
You can't cross a gift shop without thinking of it,
You can’t even think of a title for your writings,
You can find it in every line of every story or poem you read,
It has turned common men into writers, poets and artists,
Mankind has swore to steal the moon, and bend the rainbow,
for the sake of it.
I guess that's why God has placed sun, moon and all the planets so far way,
for the fear of mankind, and their,

first love.

Sunday 2 March 2014

From a 'Yet-to-be-broken' heart...

I was amused and confused when my 13 year old cousin, advised me during a casual conversation about relationships, “Don’t believe girls anna, they will break your heart”. He is not the only one. The phrases like, “She left me for someone”, “She cheated me”, “and she ripped my heart apart” are more common, when broken relationships are the context of conversation. The very common advice given to any guy getting into a new relationship is, “Don’t get too involved, else you will suffer a lot to get back, if in case she dumps you”.  And in any broken relationship, it is girls, who always bear the cross.

Why is it always girls who bear the blame? Are they so heartless and vicious? Or are we looking at only one side of the coin?
One logical answer I could think of is that, “Because it is a man’s world”.

Its men who tell the stories, who writes the history, who direct movies, who write lyrics. No man would like to project a negative image of him. It is no wonder, a 13 year old guy, giving such comments on girls-Effect of movies and stories told.

A guy meets gal, they fall in love, and after a certain point of time, the relationship goes through certain hardships and it breaks. The guy dumps his worries to his friend over a table of drinks, “I loved her to the core, but she left me. Don’t believe girls. Love sucks”.  The guy anguishes over the friend’s sorrow, and he shares it with another guy and it snow balls and a smart fellow brings the real life story in film reels, and it reaches masses, “Don’t believe girls, love sucks”.

It should be understood that, “…She left me…” is just the tip of an ice berg. If the friend spared a couple of minutes to question, “Why she left him”, his answer, if true, might have revealed a different picture.   
Girls in our society are bound by innumerous chains of society. Few girls, who are smart and bold enough to break the chain and fly free, are branded as “unorthodox and anti-social”. Few more who are happy and peaceful enough to be in shackles are the celebrated one in our society. The rest of the lots, who try to fly free without breaking the chains, suffer the most. They succumb to societal and parental pressure, at the cost of their actual desire and dreams. Unfortunately the third category of girls holds the majority of girl’s population.

This is just a simple perspective from an inexperienced guy. But I believe there are stories of girls, untold. Or are the voices unheard? Silence is golden, but not always.

Friday 3 January 2014

13 things 2013 taught me

     Some people value time by the money they earned, some value time by the happiness they had, some value time by the people they had spent it with, some value time by the work they had did, and some people, they never value time. Me, I value time by the things I have learnt. The lessons learnt which will help me to live a better tomorrow.

     At every phase of our life, we experience things. Good and bad. But only at a certain point in our life, we learn from our experiences. Am sharing here the 13 most valued things I learnt in the past year, just in a belief that, “Learning from others mistake is the most efficient form of learning”

1.       Living and working out of your comfort zone makes you stronger.

2.      People change. We all know it. But it is better to remember that YOU ALSO WILL CHANGE. After all, you too come under ‘people’ category.

3.      Everything in this world is relative. Your best friend will be someone’s worst enemy. Don't expect everyone to have the same belief as you. Differences bring people closer.

4.      If you know to say the’ right word’ in the’ right place’ at the ‘right time’, you can get anything you want. But remember that, silence always has its value.

5.      Nobody in this world can be called ‘the richest’ or ‘the poorest’, for the richest person will be poor in some aspects and the poorest person will be rich in some aspects. And there’s always someone better and worse than you. Every person has a place and worth in this world.

6.      Nobody in this world is truly independent. We all depend on somebody or something for one thing or other. The fabric of a society is “Dependency”.

7.      Most noble characters of the society live, bottom most in ladder of the society.

8.      Never ever judge a person based on face value and never ever believe a sweet word. Make it a thumb rule that both will be wrong.

9.      Your parents are the only persons whom you can trust unconditionally.

10.  Few kind words and a moment of appreciation can change someone’s life.

11.  Living without preconceptions can make every day of your life interesting.

12.  Letting things and people go is not easy. But it will make you lighter and fly higher.

13.  Just because it fit you at one point doesn’t means you need to keep it forever. Whether it’s your favorite pants or your ex.

14.  If you thought this list would have end with 13th point, then you didn’t understood life yet, for life is full of surprises. The biggest and truest thing I learnt, 
                                “BE READY FOR SURPRISES…ALWAYS”